Efficient Data Handling in Laravel with Cursor: Examples, Pagination, and FAQs

When working with large datasets in Laravel, loading all records at once using get() can be a memory-intensive operation, especially with millions of records. This is where the cursor() method comes into play, allowing you to handle large datasets efficiently by streaming database records. In this post, we'll explore how to use cursor(), handle large datasets, implement pagination, and tackle common questions.

What is cursor() in Laravel?

The cursor() method allows you to retrieve database records one-by-one using a generator, instead of fetching all records into memory at once like get(). This reduces memory consumption significantly, especially when working with large datasets.

Key Differences between get() and cursor()

  • get(): Retrieves all records at once and loads them into memory.
  • cursor(): Retrieves records one-by-one and streams them to the application, reducing memory consumption.

Basic Usage of cursor()

Here’s a simple example of using cursor() to process records one-by-one:

use App\Models\User;

$users = User::cursor(); // Efficiently retrieves users without consuming too much memory

foreach ($users as $user) {

    // Process each user individually

    echo $user->name . "\n";


Handling Large Data: Processing Millions of Records

When dealing with millions of records, cursor() is the best choice to prevent memory exhaustion. Let's simulate processing a large dataset.

Step 1: Seed Database with Large Data

First, we need to create a large dataset. For this example, let's seed the users table with 1 million records.

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

use App\Models\User;

class UsersTableSeeder extends Seeder


    public function run()


        User::factory()->count(1000000)->create(); // Create 1 million users



To run the seeder:

php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder

Step 2: Efficiently Process the Data

Once the data is seeded, use cursor() to handle the data without memory overload:

use App\Models\User;

class UserProcessor


    public function processUsers()


        $users = User::cursor();

        foreach ($users as $user) {

            // Process each user without loading all records at once

            echo $user->name . "\n";




This allows you to iterate over 1 million records one-by-one without crashing your server due to memory overuse.

Cursor vs. Pagination

While cursor() is excellent for efficiently processing large datasets, pagination is used to split large datasets into smaller, manageable chunks with links to navigate between them.

For example, if you want to display a list of users in a paginated format, use paginate():

use App\Models\User;

$users = User::paginate(50); // Fetch 50 users per page

foreach ($users as $user) {

    echo $user->name . "\n";


// Render pagination links in a view

{{ $users->links() }}

When to Use Pagination vs. Cursor

  • Pagination: When you need to display a fixed number of records per page (e.g., in a UI) and navigate between pages.
  • Cursor: When you need to process records in the background (e.g., for reporting, background jobs) without overloading memory.

FAQs on Handling Large Data in Laravel

1. When should I use cursor() over get()?

Use cursor() when you are dealing with large datasets that might exceed memory limits if fetched all at once. cursor() streams records one-by-one, making it memory-efficient for large-scale processing.

2. Can I paginate results with cursor()?

No, cursor() and paginate() serve different purposes. paginate() is used for slicing data into pages with navigation, while cursor() is used for efficient memory handling when processing large datasets.

3. How can I handle millions of records in Laravel?

To handle millions of records efficiently:

  • Use cursor() for memory-efficient processing.
  • Batch processing with Laravel Jobs or queues can also be effective for very large datasets.
  • For paginated views, use paginate() to break down the dataset into smaller pages.

4. How does cursorPaginate() differ from cursor()?

cursorPaginate() provides cursor-based pagination, which is more efficient than offset-based pagination for large datasets. It's useful when you need to paginate through records without performance degradation that occurs with paginate() on large datasets.

$users = User::cursorPaginate(50); // Fetch 50 users per page with cursor-based pagination

// Render pagination links

{{ $users->links() }}

5. Can I combine cursor() with Eloquent relationships?

Yes, you can use cursor() with Eloquent relationships just like with get(). However, be mindful of performance, especially if you are eager loading relationships. Lazy loading relationships with large datasets can cause N+1 query issues.

$users = User::with('posts')->cursor(); // Eager load posts relationship

foreach ($users as $user) {

    echo $user->name . ' has ' . $user->posts->count() . ' posts.';


6. How can I prevent memory leaks when processing large datasets?

To avoid memory leaks when processing large datasets:

  • Use cursor() to prevent loading all data into memory.
  • If performing heavy processing, consider using Laravel queues to handle the records in the background.
  • Use DB::beginTransaction() and DB::commit() to batch operations and ensure efficient database usage.

Cursor Example with Batch Processing

Let’s take things a step further and perform batch processing using cursor(). Assume we need to send a newsletter to all users in the database, one by one:

use App\Models\User;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

class NewsletterProcessor


    public function sendNewsletters()


        $users = User::cursor();

        foreach ($users as $user) {

            // Send email (simulated)

            Mail::to($user->email)->send(new NewsletterMail());




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