How to Pass Extra Static Parameters in Laravel 11 API Resource Collection | Pass Extra Static Parameters in Collection()

In Laravel 11, API Resource Collections allow you to transform and structure your API responses efficiently. You can pass dynamic or static parameters to your collections, making it possible to include additional contextual information in your responses. This is useful in scenarios where you need to attach static data (e.g., configuration values or user-specific data) to each item in the collection.

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A tutorial on Laravel 11 API Resource Collections showing code snippets and Laravel branding on a laptop screen, with icons representing static parameters like 'data_id' attached to user data.

Passing Static Parameters to API Resource Collections

To pass static parameters, you can modify your UserCollection resource class. Static parameters are typically values that do not change per item in the collection but might be needed for every entry. For example, imagine you need to attach a fixed data_id to every user in the response.

Step 1: Modify the UserCollection Constructor

First, you need to modify the constructor of your resource collection class to accept static parameters. In this case, we’ll add a $data_id parameter.

A tutorial on Laravel 11 API Resource Collections showing code snippets and Laravel branding on a laptop screen, with icons representing static parameters like 'data_id' attached to user data.

 Laravel 11 Api file add 

Add New Route File

php artisan install:api


namespace App\Http\Resources;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;

class UserCollection extends ResourceCollection
    public $data_id;
    public function __construct($resource, $data_id)
        $this->data_id = $data_id;
    public function toArray(Request $request): array
        return [
            'data' => $this->collection->map(function ($user) {
                return [
                    'id' => $user->id,
                    'name' => $user->name,
                    'data_id' => $this->data_id,
                    'email' => $user->email,
                    'created_at' => $user->created_at,

Step 2: Using the Resource Collection in Your Routes

Next, in your routes, you can pass the static parameter (data_id = 7) when returning the collection.


use App\Http\Resources\UserCollection;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('/', function (Request $request) {    
    return new  UserCollection(User::all(), 7);

Step 3: Return the Collection

When you access this API endpoint, each user in the returned collection will have the data_id attached, along with their standard attributes 

A tutorial on Laravel 11 API Resource Collections showing code snippets and Laravel branding on a laptop screen, with icons representing static parameters like 'data_id' attached to user data.


Passing static parameters in Laravel 11 API Resource Collections is a powerful feature that can help you structure API responses more efficiently. By including extra parameters (such as data_id) in the collection constructor, you can customize the data for each item in the response, making your APIs more dynamic and flexible. Whether you’re building a large application or a small API, this technique can improve the organization and extensibility of your API.

A tutorial on Laravel 11 API Resource Collections showing code snippets and Laravel branding on a laptop screen, with icons representing static parameters like 'data_id' attached to user data.

A tutorial on Laravel 11 API Resource Collections showing code snippets and Laravel branding on a laptop screen, with icons representing static parameters like 'data_id' attached to user data.

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